Scientology Integrity .org

 'FreeZone' Time Track By Entry
04 Apr
  -Daniel McKeown's initial contact of Virginia. Daniel works with Marianne Hagen-who is connected to RONS Org.

Daniel is also known as "Vast".

----- Original Message -----
From: "dan mckeown"
To: "Virginia"
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: PDC TAPE FIFTEEN******paragraph deleted

Dear Virginia,
Thank you for doing all of this tedious work. It is needed and
Much ARC,
Daniel McKeown
P.S. If you can find the time,drop me an email.I would like to get in
better comm with you.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Virginia"
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 5:54 PM
Subject: PDC TAPE FIFTEEN******paragraph deleted

**Virginia responds to Daniel and there are various interchanges. The important thing to note, is this contact was established by Daniel, and it is later Daniel, who repeatedly requested Virginia come post on the old FZA board-which apparently was a planned set-up, or "op".

19 May
  -Daniel emails Virginia and asks her to "exert some influence" to posters on the old fza discussion board.

(email Daniel to Virginia May 19, 2001, 8:41AM)

"I post sometimes to Free Zone America's discussion board. Do you ever get a chance to peruse there? Ever make any posts there? Most of these guys are lost and couldn't spot the bridge in front of them. There seems to be a lot confusion on "which subject" is right. I try and steer them to Ron's Org so they will actually get the old man's tech and get going again. If you can occasionally exert some influence to them I think your input would be quite helpful. It's just a suggestion."

-later in the same email, Daniel mentions FZA again.

"Let me know what your thoughts are on that FZA thing, OK?"

**Virginia did not answer this email-which then Daniel a month later,mentioned FZA again.

16 Jun
  -Daniel emails Virginia, mentions Free Zone America,(discussion board), and that he is referring posters at FZA to the website.

(email Daniel to Virginia June 16,2001 6:47AM)

"I wanted to let you know that in my many posts to Free Zone America I sometimes find the need to direct people to your website. It has proven to be invaluable. Thank you for doing that. I know it has changed the course of some people's lives, so, once again, thanks."

**Daniel, in bringing up the benefit of pointing posters at FZA to the website,is painting an image of support and potential welcome, from the posters at FZA.

16 Jun
  -Daniel emails Virginia, mentions Free Zone America,(discussion board), and that he is referring posters at FZA to the website.

(email Daniel to Virginia June 16,2001 6:47AM)

"I wanted to let you know that in my many posts to Free Zone America I sometimes find the need to direct people to your website. It has proven to be invaluable. Thank you for doing that. I know it has changed the course of some people's lives, so, once again, thanks."

**Daniel, in bringing up the benefit of pointing posters at FZA to the website,is painting an image of support and potential welcome, from the posters at FZA.

31 Jul
  -Daniel emails Virginia and basically asks her to come add to the flow of posting to the Free Zone America discussion board.

"We have been getting ALOT of interest from new people as well as experienced stuck churchies lately. One of the reasons, I know, is the fact that I have been posting to Free Zone America discussion board for a few months now(user name VAST).I direct people to RONS ORG bridge regularly and would love to see you or someone else up there to add to the flow. "

**After the previous more subtle attempts to get Virginia to come to the FZA board, with no "bites", Daniel became much more direct,as you can see above. Virginia noticed that it seemed very important for some reason to Daniel for her to post on FZA, since it was the third mention of it, so she decided to go and take a look at the FZA board.

31 Jul
  -Daniel emails Virginia and basically asks her to come add to the flow of posting to the Free Zone America discussion board.

"We have been getting ALOT of interest from new people as well as experienced stuck churchies lately. One of the reasons, I know, is the fact that I have been posting to Free Zone America discussion board for a few months now(user name VAST).I direct people to RONS ORG bridge regularly and would love to see you or someone else up there to add to the flow. "

**After the previous more subtle attempts to get Virginia to come to the FZA board, with no "bites", Daniel became much more direct,as you can see above. Virginia noticed that it seemed very important for some reason to Daniel for her to post on FZA, since it was the third mention of it, so she decided to go and take a look at the FZA board.

03 Aug
  -Virginia emails Daniel after looking around a bit on the FZA discussion board, and asks him some questions.

(email Virginia to Daniel August 3, 2001, 12:57PM)

"...... We have been getting ALOT of interest from new people as well as experienced stuck churchies lately. One of the reasons, I know, is the fact that I have been posting to Free Zone America discussion board for a few months now(user name VAST).I direct people to RONS ORG bridge regularly and would love to see you or someone else up there to add to the flow.


*Ok, went over to that board (haven't been there in ages) and I see you posting.

Some questions:

1. Who is vast plus?
2. Who is MERLIN SRC (also known as poor richard)
3. Who is rudy?

Do you know these people?"

04 Aug
  -Daniel emails Virginia and answers the questions from August 3 email.

(email Daniel to Virginia August 4, 2001, 11:40AM)

"I do know who Vastplus on the FZA site is, it is an email address I use to receive private comm's from some people who want to comm personally to me from that site. As far as I know, Merlinsrc, accidently called ME Vastplus in one of his posts. I use VAST as a user name. Merlinsrc is someone on Source Operation Level 2, I do not know who it is exactly, or where he is, but I would say he's in eurpoe. He signs his posts as Poor Richard, even though they are logged on the site with the user name Merlinsrc. Rudy is Marianne's assistant and a good friend of hers and mine. He is just finishing ARC Straightwire. Both Merlinsrc and Rudy are RONS ORG terminals like us, but, Rudy is here in Atlanta. There is a reach by more and more to the RONS ORG bridge as I have been TR 3'ing them for a few months now. The increase in the posts is noticeable as the CofS is driving their public away and we are moving them on their bridges again. So goes the flow of games, eh?"

**Note that Daniel says Merlinsrc is like Rudy, "RONS ORG terminals like us".

05 Aug
  -Virginia emails Daniel re:outpoints with merlinsrc, and asks Daniel some questions, as well as presenting the observation that RONS org, is not likely to have been left alone, and uninfiltrated.

(email Virginia to Daniel August 5, 2001, 11:01PM)

Excerpts of Virginia's email:

"ok thanks for the data. There is something funny about merlinsrc though, particularly how he calls OT abilities "hidden standards", that's an enemy line, something is wrong there methinks."

".......Your posts on fza are very well written, I enjoy reading them. Tell me though, I noticed per one of the SOB's (ie LRH comms relayed by CBR) that LRH himself was to come back and do the levels (I believe csing) OT 16 (or was it 18 ), anyway, why are people going on without him being here?"

"Also why do some Ro terminals seem to have a button on using telepathy, remote viewing, or even lack these kinds of abilities yet are OT whatever, etc.? (not meaning you here) Has Merlin or someone else run in that enemy line of its "hidden standards"? You have to figure, that the major players on the other side there is no way in hell they would have just "left RO alone" they tried something and there usual operation is to infiltrate it. Which I believe has occurred on at least a subtle level in some places."

06 Aug
  -Daniel emails Virginia and answers re merlinsrc,etc, but does not answer address many key points.

(email Daniel to Virginia August 6, 2001, 10:51AM)

"I have not perceived anything "funny" in Merlinsrc's universe, just me though. He seems OK to me at this point."

"That's pretty wild about the activity above your house out there. I use my abilities all the time with clear demonstrable evidence to others in the MEST universe. I know exactly what you mean about the fleet. I was mentioning it to Marianne before you ever mentioned it to me. So, there's a validation for both of us I guess."

"I support the making of Clears and OT's wherever they are TRULY produced, whether it's called this or that. I do not publicly endorse Tommy's group as a member, but, I do support any actual intention to attain the production of actual Clears and OT's."

"I use the FZA discussion board as a calling card to RONS ORG and all it encompasses. My intent is to fill the site with winning people on RONS ORG bridge and flow the newcomers to us. I could use all the assistance I can get. Noone asked or told me to do this, it just seems to me to be the right thing to do. It's a mission I gave myself which I have always done throughout the track. Going where I am needed and doing what is right for the advancement of civilizations and the clearing of beings and the production of OT's. I am so glad we are in comm and it's great to have a friend with such extraordinary abilities to play with. You are a blessing to behold and a pleasure to be affiliated with."

**Note the carefully worded statements in support of Tommy Thompson's or similar groups. It is also of note, the fact that Daniel does not "perceive anything" odd at all with Merlinsrc. Daniel changes this perception later. In hindsight, it was VERY important to Daniel to not have a reality gap on perceptions, with Virginia, ostensibly in order to get Virginia on Marianne Hagen's lines, and also onto the FZA board to post. Also note the statements about what Daniel has in mind for Paul Misiunas's site (discussion board), as well as the blatently overdone salesmanlike compliments, appeals to a "mission" ideal, etc. Apparently, it seems a stronger push was decided on by Daniel to get Virginia to post It's the fourth time Daniel has pushed this, and again, this was very important to Daniel to have happen-as if he were under pressure to get the product of getting Virginia to the FZA discussion board.

**It is important to also note that Daniel does not address the infiltration of Ron's org, nor why have they continued on without Ron, nor the lack of use of telepathy etc by supposed OT's, nor the fact that merlinsrc called some OT abilities "hidden standards" etc. etc. Virginia emails Daniel back the same day, and TR3's all points that were not addressed, including Daniel's not perceiving anything funny with merlinsrc.

**Note: Daniel also supposedly shows knowledge of the fleet in space (that Ron commands).

06 Aug
  -Virginia answers Daniel's earlier on 6 August email, TR3's the unanswered questions, and tells Daniel she is investigating where this odd viewpoint Merlinsrc presented in one of their posts to the old FZA, is coming from.

(email Virginia to Daniel August 6, 2001, 1:42PM)

Virginia's responses marked with dashes:

" I have not perceived anything "funny" in Merlinsrc's universe, just me though. He seems OK to me at this point.

---OK, well it's VERY subtle, not like Tommy etc. But didn't you notice how in this really long post on one of the threads that he called OT abilities "hidden standards"? That is a VERY subtle enemy line, that I have run into from Alan Walters etc etc, other theta trap kind of guys. And what I want to know, is have you heard this statement or even implied anywhere else in any RO terminal, I am investigating where this odd viewpoint is coming from."

"---Hey, maybe you missed this question I asked you, I am really interested in an answer.

"Tell me though, I noticed per one of the SOB's (ie LRH comms relayed by CBR) that LRH himself was to come back and do the levels (I believe csing) OT 16 (or was it 18 ), anyway, why are people going on without him being here?"

That's pretty wild about the activity above your house out there. I use my abilities all the time with clear demonstrable evidence to others in the MEST universe. I know exactly what you mean about the fleet. I was mentioning it to Marianne before you ever mentioned it to me. So, there's a validation for both of us I guess.

---WOW! thanks for telling me about that, that's very cool and I am glad to see you using your abilities.

But that reminds me, you didn't comment on this part, and it was a curiosity that I have observed from time to time out here in the freezone, and wondered what you think. Here's my q part on that again.

"Also why do some Ro terminals seem to have a button on using telepathy, remote viewing, or even lack these kinds of abilities yet are OT whatever, etc.? (not meaning you here) Has Merlin or someone else run in that enemy line of its "hidden standards"? You have to figure, that the major players on the other side there is no way in hell they would have just "left RO alone" they tried something and there usual operation is to infiltrate it. Which I believe has occurred on at least a subtle level in some places.""

09 Aug
  -Daniel emails Virginia, and after being TR3'ed by Virginia, begins to address the previously unanswered points.

(email Daniel to Virginia August 9, 2001, 9:21AM)

"I agree with you in a way regarding Merlinsrc as there just seems to be something coming "underneath" his comm line. I just attribute it to some unresolved case stuff. The line about "hidden standards" and OT abilities is odd, too. Perhaps he has bypassed bridge, as in a previous level attested to that remains in actuality incomplete. At this point I am not completely sure though."

"I was contacted by "1Flewover" yesterday and he is interested in what RONS ORG has to offer. He is on Solo Nots apparently, outside of CofS lines though. So the results of the posts seem to be creating the intended effects. Any assistance from you or others would be beneficial. I find that there is influence you carry in the Free Zone due to your very OT demonstration of abilities with the creation of your's and Mike's website. I commend you, again, on that."

"You mentioned one of the SOB's written by CBR( comm from Elron) in your previous email. The one where Elron was to come back and do the levels. I haven't looked at them in months and skimmed over them to find the one you mentioned and didn't spot it. Which one is it? As to your question why people would go on without him, well, I beleive that would still be beneficial to a degree. I haven't done OT16 yet, but I do know it is a turning point on the bridge. I can perceive the causative level increasing tremendously and coinciding abilities to match. So what I am saying is to continue would be a good action. I don't believe Elron and CBR intended us to stop on our bridges, if they weren't physically(body animation) located nearby."

"I was puzzled in regards to your question "Why do some RO terminals seem to have a button on using telepathy, remote viewing, or even lack these kind of abilities yet are OT whatever". I haven't met any RO terminals like that. Now granted I have only met a handful of RO Ot's so far, but, all of them exhibited very high adeptness with their OT abilities and had no back off on using them. At least with me there. Marianne and I utilize these abilities every single day. So I don't have an answer to your question but that one. I will say to you that if this is happening it seems to be an outness of some kind and should be corrected. Who do you know that has these buttons or unwillingness to demonstrate, or can not demonstrate? I want to know, please."

**Note that now, Daniel all of a sudden says he agrees with Virginia re: Merlinsrc, but out of the other side of his mouth, Daniel begins to justify "for" Merlinsrc and attempt to explain away the outpoint by saying "perhaps he has bypassed bridge". As if this relieves Merlinsrc from any responsibility for their actions. This is a repeating theme with Daniel and Marianne, throughout Virginia and Mike's experience with them. If outpoints or out-ethics were found, it is consistently blamed on the case, and justified BY Marianne and Daniel, FOR whoever it is. This was done By Marianne and Daniel in relation to the later activities of 1flewover/curious about. It should be pointed out that in the above email, Daniel avoids the severity of what Merlinsrc had done,and the pointers to infiltration of RO, and avoids the similarity of Merlinsrc's written viewpoint to that of Alan C. Walter in some cases. Note the mention of 1flewover coming on Daniel's lines offered as "proof" to what effect posts on the old FZA can create.

**Daniel tries to turn around who's investigation what, re: RO terminals having a button on using telepathy etc., by now "questioning" Virginia, but note that what is left out,and adroitly avoided by Daniel, is the relationship of RO terminals lack of OT abilities, and buttons on such to merlinsrc's presented enemy line of "hidden standard" OT abilities, as well as the strong pointers to that RO is infiltrated.

**Daniel AGAIN promotes to Virginia to come post on the old FZA board, with more compliments as part of the "selling" process.It is becoming patently obvious to Virginia at this point, that it is of non-stop importance to Daniel, to get Virginia onto the old FZA board. The use of compliments, is very similar to the tactic which we'll refer to as schmoozing, that Otfried Krumpholz (RO C/S) used to approach Virginia initially, as well as Alan C. Walter in usenet chats, and others.

10 Aug
  -Daniel emails Virginia and points out that people on the old FZA site are being referred to the website.

(email Daniel to Virginia August 9, 2001, 10:08AM)

Hello Virginia,
I just wanted to let you know that I have been directing some to your website again from my posts on FZA discussion board. I thought it would interest you to know this. Bye for now.

**This email by Daniel appears to be meant to reinforce the idea that Virginia should come and post to the old FZA, with the implication that "posters" are interested in the site.This was done most likely because there was no answer by Virginia yet to the most recent "come to FZA and post" attempt.

12 Aug
  -Virginia emails Daniel, and points out the outpoint with Daniels previous justification for Merlin,and Virginia also tells Daniel she is considering posting to FZA, as well as continued discussion of the previously unanswered key points re: RO etc.

(email Virginia to Daniel August 12, 2001, 6:14PM)

Virginia's reponses marked with dashes:

" ....I agree with you in a way regarding Merlinsrc as there just seems to be something coming "underneath" his comm line. I just attribute it to some unresolved case stuff.

--Possibly, but that would be a large outpoint in itself. Sol 2 and unresolved case?

LRH doesn't look like that, now there's a product.


The line about "hidden standards" and OT abilities is odd, too. Perhaps he has bypassed bridge, as in a previous level attested to that remains in actuality incomplete. At this point I am not completely sure though.

--Ok, but who would be allowing such a thing to occur, besides himself, ie: cswise etc?

I was contacted by "1Flewover" yesterday and he is interested in what RONS ORG has to offer. He is on Solo Nots apparently, outside of CofS lines though. So the results of the posts seem to be creating the intended effects. Any assistance from you or others would be beneficial.

--Ok, I am considering posting over there. "

You mentioned one of the SOB's written by CBR( comm from Elron) in your previous email. The one where Elron was to come back and do the levels. I haven't looked at them in months and skimmed over them to find the one you mentioned and didn't spot it. Which one is it?

--SOB 22 11 May 1986 TELEC (telepathic communication)

"I wish to thank all my friends in the Free-Zone and especially Capt. Bill, who carried on, in spite of great odds, on my behalf.

The tech is all in his hands and is ready for you now. I wish you all success with it.

When enough are ready for OT 17 and OT 18, I will return""

As to your question why people would go on without him, well, I beleive that would still be beneficial to a degree.

--I don't know that I agree, because for one thing, LRH is the only full product. To cs someone through something, per csing basics, the CS needs to have completed the grade theirselves, and also the old saying "it takes one to know one" comes to mind. LRH would be the only one qualified to bring someone through correctly, to start with, since he is the only one who has made it. Now from that point, I would imagine THAT person could then bring others through etc. But it makes sense that LRH would come back and be the one to bring the first ones through, it would have to be that way."

I haven't done OT16 yet, but I do know it is a turning point on the bridge. I can perceive the causative level increasing tremendously and coinciding abilities to match. So what I am saying is to continue would be a good action. I don't believe Elron and CBR intended us to stop on our bridges, if they weren't physically(body animation) located nearby.

--Except for that is what LRH SAID though, when enough are ready as in of course REALLY PRODUCTS and not bypassed cases etc etc, HE WILL RETURN. Pretty clear to me.

I was puzzled in regards to your question "Why do some RO terminals seem to have a button on using telepathy, remote viewing, or even lack these kind of abilities yet are OT whatever". I haven't met any RO terminals like that. Now granted I have only met a handful of RO Ot's so far, but, all of them exhibited very high adeptness with their OT abilities and had no back off on using them. At least with me there. Marianne and I utilize these abilities every single day. So I don't have an answer to your question but that one. I will say to you that if this is happening it seems to be an outness of some kind and should be corrected. Who do you know that has these buttons or unwillingness to demonstrate, or can not demonstrate? I want to know, please.

--Ok, I am still investigating this though, so am not comfortable yet with upping the gradient that far as there is still a remote chance the terminals involved might actually confront and handle the situation. Should that not occur in the near future, I will tell you, would that be ok with you?"

14 Aug
  12:48PM PST

--Virginia decides to begin posting to FZA. First post is on thread: topic 451 Admin Handling started by Merlinsrc

**Virginia, by going to post on FZA after 4 months of "selling" by Daniel, walks into what would later be discovered to be, quite the operation underway of Ralph, Tommy, Daniel, Rudy, Marianne, and other "prominent Freezoner's". Virginia's decision to begin posting, could be compared to "walking straight into the tiger's lair".

18 Sep
  -more contrary facts presented by an identity, re CBR's death

From: Huggie
( )
Subject: Capt. Bill: The White Thetan

View this article only
Date: 2001-09-18 22:11:53 PST

>"Another bit where he says his tyre was slashed.
> > I was in comm. with a girl who was in his org. She said that he was in
> >telepathic comm. with Ron and theta contact, even after he (Ron) died.
> >S he also said that Bill died in a speed crash on an autoban. Anyone know
> >abt. that?"

22 Sep
  -Virginia asks Bernd what CBR died from and Bernd replies.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Freezone"
To: "Virginia McClaughry"
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 1:32 AM
Subject: RE: CBR


> >How did he die really do you know?
> >

Yes, he had cancer and he refused medical treatment.
In that time he lived in Swizzerland... gave quite some lectures to transfer
his technical knowledge to auditors and C/Ses.


** So apparently CBR supposedly "died" in "Swizzerland". Erica and Max's neck of the woods.
The bit about "he refused medical treatment" sounds very non-scientologist to me for some reason, more like standard psych/doctor party line.

22 Sep
  Later on 22 September

----- Original Message -----
From: Freezone
To: virginia
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 1:58 AM
Subject: RE: question


(Bernd) I guess the legal view on copyrights is slightly different between Europe and the US.
In Germany as far as I know none else then the actual author can have it.
I put Otfried on the cc line because he's a lawyer and he can answer this more korrectly.

As far as we are concerned (Free Zone Assoc.) we purchased the rights (rights for distribution, use, etc.) from CBR's heir in 2000.

(virginia)*Ok, I'm confused though. Because as you see Erica said there ARE no copyrights, so why would they need to be purchased by the Free Zone Assoc? But also why did the free zone assoc want to buy them anyway, to do what?

I don't get this at all..

(bernd) We have to differenciate here... we didn't purchase the copyrights... we purchased the "use and further distribution of the material". The idea behind it was that we don't get in danger in case CBR's heir possibly dies and some inheritant denies us the use of it. Now we are on the legal side of it. We have a contract saying that we are allowed to use the material.

I don't know how someone could make a move on it?

(virginia) *Yes, with what you said, this seems even more odd now. Perhaps maybe the person was meaning your move in buying the rights? I'll see if I can find out more. But that's the only thing I can think of, except it doesn't make much sense.

BTW, who is WE (the Free zone assoc)? I read about it a while back when I was first exploring your site, but I didn't see any names, even though from the newsletter it looks as if there is at least a few people that get together and make decisions or whatever, so I also don't understand what you meant by WE (in your comm above).

Meaning is the free zone association run by, you, otfried, erica, max? I figure somebody(or somebodies) must run it, or else it would have never started! LOL

(Bernd) A little bit of background to this: End of the 80s/beg. of the 90s the church gave us (the ROs in the german speaking area) a hard time... infiltrating several groups, involving them in copyright violations, etc.
There was no third dynamic except the single ROs connected as a network.
You know my background a bit... I was in the GO... same as Mike.
I thought that there should be a 3D taking care of the ROs... with similar duties as the GO but without command powers... we didn't want to have another hirarchy telling others what to do.
So I got 7 people together here in Munich and founded the Assoc. as a legal body. It's registered with the local courts (legal policy here).
Then we announced it amongst the ROs and invited people to support us with their membership.
Now we have about 100 members... some are voluntary members, not paying any membership fees and others are ordenary members supporting us financially. We use that money for our web-sites... for missions, for legal handlings etc. It's a budged of about 2000$ a year.
One purpose of the FZ Assoc was to act as an interface to the society... critics, officials, media etc.
Anotherone was to research the possibilities for the ROs to legally deliver without harrassment from the church.
Erika, Max, Otfried... they are all members. This is the meaning of "we".
Take a look at for instance... there you can see what the FZ Assoc did concerning the name dispute ofer "scientologie" (the german and french spelling). Last year we won the dispute with the RTC. We even got some media on it: media/media-index.htm.
That was one of the actions.
Hope this explains it a bit?


** Note where Bernd says "CBR's heir". The only possible logical person that he could be referring to is Maria, but Maria is not his wife. Even with Common Law marriage, CBR would still have had to have "had" copyrights for them to even be an asset a heir could control. But yet as you see, there don't seem to BE any copyrights. And even if there were, CBR would have had to make a will as to their disposition, Bernd seems uninterested and unknowledgeable in that area, yet he and his association take the time and effort to "purchase the "use...."etc. Something smells there. Almost like establishing a precedent of ownership or "authorized use" of something that technically you couldn't do that with, in the first place.

Similar to how the church lost the copyrights, then rewrote everything, copyrighted that, went around gathering up for "tech preservation" every original they could find, then issued in great volume their newer works, after copyrighting them, thereby establishing a precedent as being the CURRENT copyright holders and owners, thereby giving a point to attack from. Complicated, but simple at the same time, if you follow my meaning.

01 Oct
  --Bernd says he doesn't know about CBR's will.

----- Original Message -----
From: Freezone
To: virginia
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 10:57 AM
Subject: RE: question


(virginia) But I guess I still don't understand why Erica said there are no copyrights on CBR materials, cuz there must be or why would there need to be a contract to buy rights to use something that isn't copyrighted? See my point?

(Bernd) Probably because someone has to explicitly get them copyrighted... and also give a copy to some Library? I'dont know. As I said... it's a bit different here in Europe.

(virginia) Also, didnt CBR leave a will, it must say in there what is to be done? It would have had to be recorded somewhere I imagine, as part of probate.

(bernd) Don't know about it. Never saw it.

** Note the "end of discussion" there by Bernd on the subject of wills, probate, CBR death etc.
"Never saw it" could be because it never existed, is one strong possibility.

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